Terms & conditions


Last updated on May 31st, 2024

Membership Terms for Members of PropTech Denmark

The membership terms apply to memberships entered into between PropTech Denmark and its members ("Member"). The Member has received a copy of these membership terms, the association's articles of association, and PropTech Denmark's five commitments (see proptechdk.dk/about) – and has accepted them.


Only companies can be members of PropTech Denmark.

1. Enrolment

  • A company is considered enrolled when the company has received written confirmation and paid the agreed membership fee upon request for admission.

  • The membership year is the calendar year.

  • The membership fee for the upcoming year is determined at the annual general meeting.

  • The membership fee is paid in advance and is invoiced each year before the end of March.

  • Unless the Member has given notice of termination in accordance with the rules below, the membership will automatically renew for a new membership year.

2. Membership Fee

  • The membership fee depends on the Member's turnover. The fee is calculated based on the Member's turnover in the year preceding the year in which the general meeting is held.

  • The membership fee is determined at the annual general meeting and is applicable for the subsequent membership year.

  • The calculation of the membership fee is specified in appendix 1, which is revised annually based on the general meeting's decision.

  • Upon request, the Member is obliged to inform PropTech Denmark of the realized turnover for the calculation of the membership fee.

3. Membership Conditions

  • The Member and its employees gain access to PropTech Denmark's activities, networking meetings, online materials, and discounts on selected events.

  • By enrolling, the Member accepts these Membership Terms, and the Member specifically notes the following:

    • PropTech Denmark is entitled to contact the Member's employees as part of the membership with PropTech Denmark.

    • If the Member wishes to use PropTech Denmark for other counseling or programs not listed above, this will be invoiced separately by agreement.

    • PropTech Denmark reserves the right to charge a no-show fee for activities and events organized by PropTech Denmark.

4. Resignation

  • Resignation is made by written notice to PropTech Denmark.

  • Resignation must be given with three months' notice, expiring at the end of December.

  • The resignation is considered registered with PropTech Denmark only when the Member has received written confirmation of receipt of the resignation. The association does not provide refunds for early resignation.

  • In the event of material breach of the agreement between the Member and PropTech Denmark, including significant non-compliance with these membership terms, PropTech Denmark is entitled to terminate the membership with immediate effect.

  • If the membership is terminated, the Member must immediately cease using PropTech Denmark's logo and any other indication of affiliation with PropTech Denmark.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

  • By enrolling, the Member grants PropTech Denmark the right to use the Member's logo for non-commercial marketing purposes, including on PropTech Denmark's website, and the right to communicate that the Member is a member of PropTech Denmark.

6. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • PropTech Denmark collects personal information about its Members and the employees of Members who participate in PropTech Denmark's events and other activities.

  • This information is processed in accordance with applicable legislation.

  • PropTech Denmark does not disclose Member information to third parties except by agreement.

7. Confidentiality

  • PropTech Denmark undertakes to treat documents, financial and technical information, and other information provided by the Member to PropTech Denmark as confidential.

8. Amendment of Membership Terms

  • Significant changes to the membership terms are adopted at PropTech Denmark's general meeting and will be notified by PropTech Denmark at least 45 days before the changes take effect.

9. Disputes

  • Any dispute or disagreement arising from the agreement between the Member and PropTech Denmark shall be sought resolved through mediation through the Mediation Institute and shall take place in accordance with the currently applicable "Rules for the Handling of Cases at the Mediation Institute."

  • When a dispute is deemed to have arisen between the parties by one or more parties, each party is entitled to request mediation by the Mediation Institute.

  • Mediation does not preclude the use of legal remedies such as arrest and injunction, and does not prevent a party from filing a lawsuit in the courts in accordance with the provisions below or initiating other legal proceedings regarding the dispute to avoid legal inactivity or prescription.

  • If the dispute is not resolved through completed mediation, each party is entitled to demand that the dispute be settled under Danish law with the venue at the Maritime and Commercial Court in Copenhagen.

Appendix 1. Membership Terms for PropTech Denmark

*All amounts below are exclusive of VAT.

** Please note that the annual membership fee will increase with ~4% for the 2025 calendar year, as agreed at the 2024 Annual General Meeting of PropTech Denmark.