Nordic proptech associations launch joint proptech prize

The inaugural Nordic PropTech Awards will be presented in Copenhagen next year, on the back of strong Nordic collaboration and a burgeoning proptech ecosystem. 

The Nordic Countries on the forefront

Whether it’s virtual tours, data-driven real estate decisions, or remote property management, Nordic companies are at the forefront of a technology-driven innovation wave in real estate.

In the Spring of 2022, the first annual Nordic Proptech Awards (NPA) will be awarded to Nordic-based startups with solutions that help the real estate industry create new efficiencies. NPA is administered jointly by the Nordic proptech associations.


“Nordic PropTech Awards will showcase the Nordics as a leading hotspot for digital innovation in real estate, and communicate the ecosystem’s strong solutions to industry stakeholders, clients and investors”

— says Nadim Stub, former CEO of PropTech Denmark & this year’s head of the NPA Steering Committee.

The prize categories are: ConTech; Real Estate Fintech; Sustainable Business Operations; Real Estate Innovator; Future Office; and Energy Management, with additional tracks under consideration.

“The awards will nurture innovation and increase adoption of Nordic-based proptech solutions. The Nordics have a quickly maturing proptech ecosystem that we wish to reinforce” - Stub says.

Practical information about Nordic PropTech Awards

Applicant companies are no older than 7 years, have a maximum of 75 employees, and must have an established presence in the Nordics. The application deadline is in Q3, with the announcement of finalists and the award ceremony in Q1 next year.

Signup and additional information can be found on the award’s home page:

Award winners gain recognition as a preeminent company to watch in the Nordic industry, and have the right to use the prize for marketing purposes. They will have prominence and attention in the Nordic ecosystem through editorial coverage, and invitations to present at Nordic network events. Winners also receive one-on-one meetings with track jury members – spanning from mentoring to pitching. They are also granted free memberships and sparring sessions with each national proptech association.

Jurors are selected jointly by the national associations and are nestors with proven track records in real estate, finance, and tech.

Coor Service Management is an attributed program partner. Totalkredit is a track sponsor. Advanced negotiations are currently ongoing with select parties.

Background: A burgeoning Nordic proptech ecosystem

There are presently 500+ Nordic proptech companies, half of which are members of a national proptech association.

«Success stories like Norway’s Spacemaker, GoodMonday from Denmark, Parakey of Sweden, and of Finland demonstrate the technical expertise, innovative prowess, and entrepreneurial acumen that characterizes Nordic proptech», says Henrik Taubøll, PropTech Norway co-founder.

Nordic real estate companies innovate to create new efficiencies, building internal innovation teams, expanding strategic partnerships, and investing in proptech. Startups have access to a large and relatively cheap talent pool. Strong public-private funding opportunities have grown more generous during the pandemic. Nordic cities rank high on global SDG indexes.

«Investors now equal climate risk with financial risk, adding relevance to Nordic startups with a strong track record on sustainability and tech with a purpose», says Mikael Långström, Chair of PropTech Finland.

The global industry is looking to the Nordics for novel value propositions, fueled by the region’s uniquely digital populace and access to richly structured data. 100+ million Euros flowed into Nordic proptech last year.  

«The Nordic investment community and the real estate industry are technologically adept and know what they’re looking for. The Nordic Proptech Awards will help them point the spotlight», says Roger Tofft, Founder of PropTech Sweden.


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Leading European proptech VC joins PropTech Denmark